I had a chance to listen in on a conference call with some amazingly motivated vaccine advocates and some of the creative talents behind the documentary, Invisible Threat. The documentary is produced by high school student filmmakers and explores the science behind vaccinations and the fears and misconceptions people have about vaccines.
The Invisible Threat is so powerful that it becoming a part of the curriculum in many schools, collages, and universities across the U.S, and used as a teaching tool in medical schools and hospitals.
If you’re interested in seeing the trailer, click here.
Many of our congressional policy makers are not in support of childhood vaccinations. Some of them are very misguided in their beliefs and are actually getting funding to keep anti-vaccine propaganda going strong. These Congress people need to be educated, and this film may be just the thing they need.
The organization, Every Child By Two is rallying in support of this documentary, and I think we should, too.
On May 1, 2014 at 10:00 AM the national launch of the documentary will be at the U.S. Capital Visitor Center and members of Congress have been invited to come. Following the film, a panel of experts in the vaccine field will lead a discussion on the resurgence of deadly vaccine-preventable diseases and how the diseases affect the community, as well as how to combat the spread of misinformation on vaccines.
Now, we just need to make sure our Congress people attend this event. Please take a few minutes of your time to call or email your members of Congress between now and May 1st. Below is a contact list with the phone numbers and email addresses for your legislatures. Let them know that this event is important to you and the important for the health of your community.
For tools you can use to get involved or for more information, visit www.ecbt.org
I had an opportunity to view the entire documentary at the recent Immunization Conference in Phoenix, AZ. It is an excellent film and powerful tool to use in vaccine preventable disease education and immunization advocacy.
Isn’t it!? Can’t wait to see it myself!
This is amazing. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Can’t wait to watch this.