Face masks are still important. They can be fashionable and fun for the whole family! 

We are now seeing many establishments re-opening amid the coronavirus pandemic, which means that we need to be more proactive than ever in keeping ourselves and others safe. When it comes to keeping the spread of this novel coronavirus at bay, consider wearing a facemask in public to protect others. 

You may be infected with coronavirus and may not have symptoms.

Even when you are infected with the virus, and have not developed COVID-19, you are still contagious. 

When you wear your facemask, you lessen the risk of spreading this potentially deadly virus to others who may not be able to overcome it. 

Although I hate wearing the mask, I do it because I feel I must keep others safe should I be infected and not know it. 

When I walk out of my house head to the store (that’s about the only place I go), I have to ask myself: What’s the cost of human life? What’s the cost of risking your child’s or another child’s life by not doing all you can do it prevent the spread of disease? 

It’s the same question I pose to others when they consider skipping vaccines for their children. 

If you don’t already have a facemask, you can make your own! Happy DIY Home has five different types of face masks that you can make at home with step-by-step photos and easy instructions: DIY Face Mask—How to Make a Face Mask.

Think about all the fun colors and patterns you could choose! Get creative! For all of you party animals out there, bling those masks out! 

Get your children involved in facemask-making and let them choose their fabric patterns so they’re more inclined to wear them! 

And while making your masks with your children, don’t forget children are curious and often interested in learning more about coronavirus, COVID-19, and protecting themselves and others. There are many resources out there on how to talk to your children/teens about the virus. Here’s my favorite FREE book that you can download and print out: My Hero is You: How Kids can Fight CCOVID-19

The Vaccine Mom Explains Cloth Face Masks During the Coronavirus Pandemic

While you may not have to wear a mask, it’s important to lessen the spread of disease. 

Each state has different recommendations for wearing facemasks in public. For the recommendations in your state as of June 1, visit Which states require face masks? Breaking down the rules for everywhere in the US

For coronavirus resources visit: Coronavirus and COVID-19 Resources

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