Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotics have been around since the 1920’s and play a huge role in the treatment of bacterial infections. But when used incorrectly, antibiotics can do more harm than good.

Treating infections is becoming increasingly more difficult. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics can cause antibiotic resistance, which happens when the bacteria changes to survive antibiotics.

This can promote the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria–superbugs.

Using antibiotics to treat a virus, for example is a way of creating resistance. Another occurs when the antibiotics that are given to the animals we eat get into our bodies. Antibiotics in our bodies when we don’t need them will rest in our digestive tract and kill the sensitive bacteria (the good kind) naturally found there. This then allows resistant bacteria left to grow and multiply.

We see drug resistance with many common and deadly bacteria all over the world. And sadly, we see a lot of the superbugs in hospitals, where they are ready to hop in and infect patients whose immune systems can’t handle infections. It happens all the time. And it kills people.

So, how can you help stop resistance?

  1. Do NOT pressure your doctor to give you or your child unnecessary antibiotics (they won’t help, anyway)
  2. Take your antibiotics exactly as prescribed
  3. Never skip a dose
  4. Never stop taking an antibiotic early because you feel better
  5. Never save antibiotics for next time you become sick
  6. Never take someone else’s antibiotics

We need better/stronger antibiotics to eliminate these bugs. But you can help stop the SPREAD of superbugs by taking antibiotics correctly and only when necessary. And don’t forget…stay home when you’re sick!! Also…get your vaccines! 😉